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In accordance with the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act, all large enterprises in Poland are obliged to conduct an energy audit under the penalty of up to 5% of the company’s revenue generated in the preceding year of the obligation.

The scope of the energy audit offered by us for enterprises includes:

  • Description and assessment of the current state of devices/facilities consuming energy in the areas of electricity, heat and cooling sources, heating and cooling networks, electrical grids, technological processes, and transportation.
  • Development of an energy balance for the facility based on collected data and supplementary measurements, including the determination of energy consumption coefficients.
  • Estimated assessment of the potential for improving energy efficiency in all the aforementioned areas.
  • Measurement of selected installations and devices by a group of engineers, enabling the identification of potential savings (measurements can cover areas such as electricity consumption, air and water flows, thermography, temperatures, energy carrier consumption, etc.).
  • Development of an energy efficiency improvement policy for the facility for the next 4 years.

Energy audits are conducted to assess energy efficiency and energy management in buildings, industrial facilities, institutions, and other structures. They serve several important purposes and offer various benefits:

  • Identifying Energy Savings: Energy audits enable the precise identification of areas where energy can be saved. This may involve reducing electricity consumption, fossil fuel usage, and other energy carriers.
  • Evaluating Energy Performance: Audits help assess how well a building or installations utilize energy. They can identify potential sources of energy losses and suggest ways to improve efficiency.
  • Reducing Energy Costs: Improved energy efficiency translates to lower energy-related costs. Audits can help identify actions that will decrease energy bills.
  • Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Enhanced energy efficiency helps reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2), contributing to the fight against climate change.
  • Raising Awareness: Energy audits can increase awareness among facility managers and employees regarding energy consumption and ways they can contribute to savings.
  • Ensuring Compliance with Regulations: In some jurisdictions, there are regulations requiring regular energy audits, especially in larger commercial and industrial facilities.
  • Increasing Property Value: Improved energy efficiency can enhance the value of a property. This can be significant for investors and property owners, especially in the context of growing environmental awareness.
  • Ensuring Energy Supply Continuity: Audits can identify potential threats to energy supply and suggest measures to ensure reliability and continuity of supply.
  • Supporting Sustainable Development: Energy audits align with the pursuit of sustainable development through the efficient use of resources and environmental protection.

Energy audits can be conducted by specialists in energy and energy efficiency, and the results of such audits are often used to develop action plans aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing energy-related costs.

Every large enterprise is obligated to undergo an energy audit. According to current legal regulations (the Law of March 6, 2018 – Entrepreneurs Law), a large enterprise is defined as an enterprise that, in the last two financial years:

  • Employed an average of at least 250 employees, or
  • Achieved annual net turnover from the sale of goods, products, and services, as well as financial operations, exceeding the equivalent of 50 million euros, and the sum of its balance sheet assets at the end of one of these years exceeded the equivalent of 43 million euros in Polish złoty.

An extension of the energy audit for an enterprise is an energy efficiency audit of an undertaking aimed at improving energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency audits are conducted for the purpose of obtaining certificates of energy efficiency, known as “White Certificates,” for specific initiatives aimed at improving energy efficiency. This is in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 1, of the Energy Efficiency Act dated May 20, 2016.

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